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Mappa parchggi e Tariffe
Parking Map & Rates
The detailed map of all city car parks and the related rates​.
Formato Parcheggi e Tariffe-1
Modello Legenda PARK
Formato Parcheggi e Tariffe-1
Navetta Turistica
The Tourist Shuttle
In the hamlets of Noli municipality (Voze and Tosse) there are several parking areas that are 24/7 free. These areas are connected with the city by a free seasonal shuttle service.
Download the 2021 Timetables (updating)
Le convenzioni
Special Rates
The Municipality provides some kind of Special Rates for the people who have a “Contrassegno Residenti”, “Contrassegno Attività Produttive” and “Tessere di Sosta Agevolata”
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